College Huddle Speaker


Please complete the form below if interested in speaking at a college meeting this fall


George Washington University, Mondays, 8-9:00PM at Smith Center (Foggy Bottom), DC

American University, Tuesdays, 8-9:00PM at Bender Arena (Tenleytown), DC

  • Looking for speakers to share approx. 15-20 minutes at the college large group meeting

  • Speakers must agree with FCA's Statement of Faith and complete an MLA (Ministry Leader Application)

  • The topic for Spring 2025: THE CORE (The essentials of faith.. how do we strength these?)

    • Guidance found here:

      • Topics include: Join God’s Team, Live with God’s Power, Train Spiritually, Communicate with God, Study God’s Playbook, Team Up with Others (community), Know Your Role, Share with Others

      • These do not have to be the names of your message!

  • Audience can be anywhere from 15-40 college athletes (different sports and coming from various places in their faith journey)

  • Format of Huddle:

    • Welcome and Warm-up: food and all-group game (20 min)

    • Workout: Speaker (15 min)

      • Introduce who you are and what you are up to now

      • Share a key scripture that will be central to your message

        • This semester, you will highlight one of the “essentials” as you teach the Word of God, share some of your story, and communicate practical application

      • Gospel presentation of the FOUR (by student or volunteer)

    • Wrap-up: Small Group Discussion (25 min)

      • Send 3-5 questions to FCA POC that unpack more of what you shared about during your message? These should encourage students to get in the Word (read the scripture again) and/or see how the message could apply to their own life.