FCA Christian Community Statement

1. Introduction

FCA is a Christian community that exists to exercise and express its Christian Beliefs and mission. FCA's Christian Community Statement, among other things, defines FCA as a Christian community and sets out standards for FCA leaders and participants in terms of FCA's Christian Beliefs. As a leader or participant in FCA's Christian Community you will serve under the leadership of local FCA staff.

2. FCA Overview

Vision Statement

The Vision of FCA is:
To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Mission Statement

The Mission of FCA is:
To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.






3. FCA's Christian Community

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a Christian community that exists to exercise and express its Christian Beliefs and mission. These beliefs include those outlined in FCA's Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Statement of Faith, FCA's Vision, FCA's Mission, Staff Handbook, Christian Community Statement, and other policies adopted by the Board of Trustees collectively referred to as FCA's Christian Beliefs.

FCA exercises and expresses its Christian Beliefs in various ways, including:

  • FCA believes that God calls people to live out their faith in community with other believers. Accordingly, FCA's Christian community is an exercise and expression of FCA's Christian Beliefs.

  • FCA believes that all of its activities should express FCA's Christian Beliefs and be rendered in service to God as a form of worship. All FCA activities further its Christian mission and purpose and are an exercise and expression by FCA of its Christian Beliefs.

We engage solely in activities that further our Christian mission or purposes. Because we believe that all such activities are conducted in service to God as means for spiritual growth, we consider these activities to be a form of worship.

4. FCA's Christian Beliefs

4.1 FCA Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, trustworthy and true, without error, Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe there is only one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

We believe Jesus Christ is God, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His death that paid for our sin through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension/rising up to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (John 1:1; Matthew 1:18, 25; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 9:15-22; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Acts 1:9-11; Hebrews 9:27-28)

We believe that acceptance of Jesus Christ and the corresponding renewal of the Holy Spirit is the only path to salvation for lost/sinful men and women. (John 3:16; John 5:24; Titus 3:3-7)

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, who lives within and guides Christians, so they are enabled to live godly lives. (John 14:15-26; John 16:5-16; Ephesians 1:13-14)

We believe in eternal life and that through belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, we spend eternity with the Lord in Heaven. We believe that in rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, we receive eternal suffering in hell. (Matthew 25:31-46, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ that all believers are members of His body, the Church. (Philippians 2:1-4)

4.2 Biblical Standards for Our Community

In response to current cultural trends, we have determined to articulate more specifically our Christian Beliefs and associated community standards on the following subjects.

4.2.1 Gender, Sexuality, Sex and Marriage Gender: We believe that God creates people in His image as two distinct genders, male and female, and that the intended gender of an individual is determined by such individual's biological sex at birth (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6). Sexuality: Scripture is clear in that Christians are to find their identity in Christ. We find complete and appropriate expression of who we are, including sexuality, when our actions align with God's design for sexual identity and expression.

The Bible also states in several passages that participating in homosexual or bisexual activities and other sexual sins is outside of God's will for a Christian (1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 18-20). Because of the Bible's clear stance on this subject, FCA does not condone any sexually immoral act outlined in the Bible, including homosexuality. Sex: We believe that sexual relations outside of marriage (whether involving individuals of the same or opposite sex) are inconsistent with God's call to holiness in our lives. This includes unmarried singles to abstain from sexual relations. We further believe that pornographic materials undermine the dignity and image of God in individuals and promotes sexual conduct contrary to our Christian Beliefs. Marriage: We believe God has instituted marriage as a lifelong covenant relationship between a man and a woman and calls spouses to exclusive sexual fidelity. In our policies and programs we will recognize only marriage between a man and a woman is consistent with our Christian Beliefs. Any events in FCA facilities pertaining to marriage (e.g., weddings, receptions, anniversary celebrations) must involve only marriages consistent with our Christian Beliefs.

Our beliefs regarding human sexuality, sex and marriage shall apply in all policies and programs in the FCA Christian community.

4.2.2 Sanctity of Life

We believe individuals are created by God in His image commencing at conception/fertilization. We accordingly believe as a matter of Christian conviction that no procedures should be performed for the primary purpose of terminating a pregnancy and taking the life of an unborn, except in extraordinary circumstances where other biblical, moral principles prevail, such as where it is medically necessary to preserve the life of the mother. Our beliefs also prohibit paying for or otherwise facilitating such procedures.

As dictated by these beliefs, we will not as an institution fund abortions in any manner, including through a health care FCA benefit plan that covers drugs used to induce abortions, except in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances: (i) any such drug is prescribed and used solely for a non-abortive therapeutic treatment of a covered medical condition or for an abortion in the foregoing extraordinary circumstances.

Any requirement to facilitate abortions by offering such coverage or participating in such a program, and any penalty for failing to offer such coverage or participate in such a program, would directly and substantially burden and undermine our exercise and expression of our Christian Beliefs.

4.2.3 Diversity

We believe all men and women are created in God's image and are of equal value and great worth to Him. Therefore, FCA will strive to reflect the body of Christ throughout our ministry (Matthew 22:37-39; Galatians 3:27-28).

We further believe that all prejudice, bias and racism is wrong and is rooted in sin. We believe that as disciples of Jesus Christ, it's our responsibility to follow His example and instruction to love one another. Jesus said the two greatest commandments are to love God “with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” The second is to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-38).

4.3 Social Media, Political Activity and Other Public Statements

We desire to represent the same Christian beliefs and standards to both the online world as we do in person. Therefore, in any public forum, including social media, we expect leaders to respect our Christian Beliefs and not to challenge, disparage or undermine them. If a leader chooses to express their disagreement with a particular belief that they are not required to affirm, we expect such leader to do so in a manner that respects our beliefs and makes it clear they are not expressing the view of FCA (Colossians 4:6; Proverbs 16:23).

4.4 Controlled Substances, Alcohol, Tobacco and Cannabis

We believe that the misuse of controlled substances, alcohol, tobacco and cannabis undermines the role of the Holy Spirit in forming the minds and hearts of individuals (Proverbs 23:19-21). Scripture also prohibits drunkenness and warns about the dangers of drinking (Ephesians 5:18; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Therefore, all leaders shall not use such products [except for medical reasons directed by a licensed medical doctor (M.D.)] while conducting the activities of FCA, and no such products may be used in any of our facilities.

5. Expectations

5.1 Expectations for Ministry Leaders (Teammates)

In response to God's calling on their lives, our leaders work together to advance our Christian mission. FCA's leaders are responsible for defining, cultivating, leading and representing our Christian community as an expression and exercise of our Christian Beliefs. As such, each FCA leader is an integral part of our community and shall model FCA's Christian Beliefs.

Accordingly, we expect each leader to comply with the following obligations:

  • 5.1.1 Beliefs: Each FCA leader shall affirm their agreement with FCA's Statement of Faith and shall not subscribe to, practice or promote any religious beliefs inconsistent with these beliefs. All leaders must affirm that their calling to serve in FCA's Christian community requires them to respect such beliefs and to abide by community standards exercising or expressing such beliefs.

  • 5.1.2 FCA Christian Community and Conduct Standards: FCA leaders shall (during both working and non-working hours) model FCA's Christian Beliefs for others, perform all their responsibilities as a service to God and endeavor to comply with biblical standards of conduct exercising or expressing our Christian Beliefs, including Christian community standards adopted by the FCA Trustees or management.

  • 5.1.3 Distinctly Christian Activities: Each FCA leader shall be ready, willing and able to lead or contribute to distinctly Christian activities such as small group studies, Huddles, worship and prayer services.

  • 5.1.4 Ministerial Duties: Each FCA leader shall daily spend time in prayer and in the Word, shall share Christ through word and life, shall seek the Lord's will for the ministry of FCA, and shall seek weekly and faithful participation and involvement in a local church.

5.2 Expectations for Ministry Participants

Participants in our community (that is, they are not in a leadership role) are not required to affirm our Christian Beliefs. But such participants are expected to respect and do nothing to undermine or subvert our beliefs, to support our mission and comply with applicable community standards during their participation in our community. We may give preference for volunteer positions to individuals who share our Christian Beliefs.

In furtherance of its mission, FCA serves coaches, athletes and others who have agreed to learn and participate in the life of the FCA community. Although such participants are not leaders, they contribute to our community, to the experiences of other participants, and the accomplishment of FCA's mission.

  • 5.2.1 Beliefs: We ask all participants not to affirm or promote messages contrary to our beliefs in connection with their use of FCA facilities or participation in FCA activities.

6. Compliance with FCA's Christian Beliefs

6.1 Spiritual Discernment

The determination as to whether any leader, participant, activity or use of FCA's facilities complies with the applicable standards requires spiritual discernment applied to each circumstance and shall be made in the sole discretion of the FCA leaders designated by the President and/or Trustees. With respect to uses by other groups or persons, FCA may consider without limitation both the content of the proposed activities and whether the group or person is generally perceived as advocating views contrary to its Christian Beliefs.

6.2 Noncompliance

If any FCA leader or participant does not comply with any applicable community standard of this FCA Christian Community Statement, such individual shall have an obligation to disclose such noncompliance to FCA. If FCA determines, through such disclosure or otherwise, that an FCA leader or participant is not complying with an applicable community standard, then FCA may, in its sole discretion, determine the impact of any initial noncompliance on FCA's exercise and expression of its Christian Beliefs, and whether such individual intends or is likely to continue in such noncompliance.

FCA may dismiss such individual from their position on the basis of noncompliance if (i) an individual's action(s) do not affirm the Christian Beliefs required for such position or (ii) an individual's action(s) undermines the expression and exercise of the FCA Christian Community. Such action(s) may be taken in accordance with any applicable procedures adopted by FCA.

7. Conclusion

To exercise or express our Christian Beliefs more fully, the FCA CEO/President may establish additional standards based on our Christian Beliefs for the activities and facilities at FCA or for FCA leaders or other community participants.

FCA may amend this document at any time. This document is not intended to create any express or implied employment contract or alter the at-will employment relationship between FCA and its employees.