December 12 Huddle
1 Timothy 4:7-13
Speaker: Hope Wigginton
Questions for discussion:
For your sport, what does your current physical training plan look like? What components are part of it? What makes it a strong training plan?
If we were to think about “training for godliness" in the same way, how do we set ourselves up to succeed? What components might be part of it?
Can you think of a time when someone looked down on you because you were young? (in your sport, faith, etc.)
Regardless of our age, we can work to be an example to all. We’re given some practical ways to do that in verse 12. Which is most challenging for you and why?
What is one thing you can focus on this week to train yourself spiritually?
Next Steps:
Hearing from God Workshop - Wednesdays at 7PM @ Grace Capital City. 6 weeks starting January 12,
Join a small group at your university - NEW groups being added in spring
Visit a church
Connect with Jolee )FCA DC staff) at 217-898-4521 (text/call) or email (
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