Partner With Us
Please consider investing in the ministry of FCA DC as we aspire to reach every coach and every athlete in Washington, DC.
There are specific giving opportunities listed below, but we welcome partnership on any level — a one-time gift, a new monthly gift or an increase in your current monthly giving. See below to support a specific staff person.
Our greatest need is monthly partnership. To partner with us in this way or make a one-time gift of any size, please visit
One-time gifts in the form of check can be made out to FCA DC and mailed to 801 G ST NW, Washington, DC 20001
For questions, contact Jolee Paden at
Student-led huddle at Eastern High School
$250 - Huddle sponsorship: food & bibles
Each week across the city, multi-sport FCA huddles are meeting in classrooms and athletic centers. At each meeting, we create the space for meaningful fellowship and present a teaching or testimony from God’s Word. We provide pizza for athletes and coaches. We also provide specific bibles for either the coach or the athlete.
$250 provides food for one-month on a campus and outfits a huddle with bibles.
One athlete bible costs $10. One coach’s bible costs $22.
Fundraising goal is $12,500 (5 campuses for 10 months). Consider giving $100-250/month!
$600 - camp experience
The one-week high school camp at Eastern Mennonite University acts as a catalyst for our high school ministry during the school year. Athletes from across the city apply for scholarships that grant them access to a week of sports training and spiritual transformation.
We transport our athletes from DC to Harrisonburg, Virginia, and provide them with the necessary camp goods (sheets, pillows, toiletries). For many of our students, this is their first time out of the city and their first time on a college campus.
After camp, we commit to following up with our students to provide mentorship and FCA ministry at their school.
See more on camp HERE. Fundraising goal is 40 scholarships ($24,000).
$2,500 - all-ability camp sponsorship
In partnership with the DC Dream Center, FCA DC will be hosting three one-day basketball camps for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Each camp will provide fellowship and coaching for 20 athletes on a Saturday afternoon.
We will host a camp in February, March and April. Each camp sponsorship includes a Friday night fellowship dinner for coaches and volunteers. Our volunteers and coaches will be a crucial piece of serving our athletes and their caretakers.
Monetary and in-kind donations at any level are appreciated for this event. Please contact Emily at if you are interested in getting involved in this opportunity.
Fundraising goal is 3 camps ($7,500).
2022 Summer Interns at Cornerstone School (SE DC)
$10,000 - new staff seed money
As the ministry continues to grow, our greatest need is FCA DC staff. All FCA staff are faith-funded through generous individuals, churches and businesses.
Urgent needs: female & male Area Representatives at George Washington University (Area 2) and Area Representative for high school ministry in Area 678.
By investing in our Development Fund, you are creating an on-ramp for future FCA staff as we offer them matching funds to propel them forward in the support raising process.
$10,000+ qualifies donor as a tom landry associate
$25,000 - 3 Ambassadors on 3 campuses for 1 year
An ambassador serves 5-15 hours per week on a specific campus. These hired individuals can serve as character coaches, huddle leaders and/or additional support for the FCA staff at a school.
These individuals will help to provide consistency and accountability for our coaches, athletes and volunteers on that specific campus. We are looking to hire called, passionate and equipped individuals to serve in this part-time role.
For example, we would like to hire an ambassador at George Washington University. This person would be present at the multi-sport huddle meeting, welcome new athlete and coaches, and assist in mobilizing volunteers on that campus.
Invest in our staff
Make a one-time gift or donate monthly to join our “home team” giving!