Join us on the FCA Journey



“Highest share of disconnected youth, youth with no high school diploma, participation, teen pregnancy, youth homelessness and lowest labor force,” according to

8 Universities & 52 high schools

“A coach will impact more young people in a year than the average person does in a lifetime.”

- Rev. Billy Graham

2 FCA staff serving in these active ministry areas.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Matthew 9: 37




  • Every coach and athlete in DC to have access to a faith community in their context

  • Develop staff and volunteers as leaders in the community to make disciples who make disciples

  • Create opportunities for coaches and athletes to encounter the hope of Jesus through the Word and community gatherings on their campus and camp experiences.


  • Building relationships with coaches and athletes on school campuses

  • University Reach: vibrant GW ministry (weekly large group meeting and multiple small groups), AU volleyball small group, Howard softball, Georgetown relationships

  • High School Huddles: Eastern HS, launching at Gonzaga HS and Jackson-Reed HS this year, current mentorship at HD Woodson, partnership at Cornerstone (SE DC)

  • Summer Camp: 28 kids in 2021, 22 kids in 2022 from 14 different schools

  • Partnership with Angel Tree Sports Camp (Prison Fellowship)

  • Partnership with DC Dream Center / Southeast White House

  • Partnership with Moms in Prayer

  • Partnership with Mid-Atlantic Football Showcase


  • A fully-staffed Washington, DC = 25 staff

    • GW Representative

    • Area 678 Representative

    • Administrative Assistant

  • Stewarding relationships with students that attended summer camps

  • Building relationships with students, coaches, teachers and staff interested in starting FCA ministries in their schools and communities

  • Pioneering pathways for ministry at Catholic University through current relationships with a women’s basketball athlete

  • Developing ministry strategy for all-abilities sports camps/clinics in DC

What will it cost?

Fundraising Goal for end of year (2022):

$3,000 in Monthly Partnership & $30,000 in One-Time Gifts

monthly partners

  • $42/month - Sends one kid to camp each summer ($500 annual investment)

  • $75/month - Average monthly gift to DC staff for salary & expenses

  • $100/month - Provides 10 bibles to 10 athletes each month (make a one-time of $100 for 10 bible case)

  • $250/month - Southeast DC Investment Fund

    • Office space at Southeast White House

    • Pizza for high school huddle meetings and football games

one-time gifts

  • $150 - College huddle food (one meeting)

  • $500 - High school camp scholarship

  • $1,000 - New staff match fund

  • $2,500 - DC Fundraising Banquet Sponsorship

  • $5,000 - All-Ability Sports Camp Sponsorship

  • $10,000 - Tom Landry Associate

Will you consider joining our team?

Contact Director Jolee Paden at or 217-898-4521.

Other ways to contribute: prayer (monthly zoom meetings) and referrals to others that might want to get involved.